Who we are



VietHarvest is an innovative new social enterprise founded in 2020 that collects quality surplus food and redistributes it to underserved communities in Vietnam.

We are constantly looking for new ways to inspire and educate people about food waste, food security and sustainability. Through our education programs and our advocacy work, we hope to inspire others to change behaviour and help reach the target of food waste in Vietnam.


Everyone in the VietHarvest Family is driven by the same purpose and are committed to making a difference. It’s a mammoth team effort, made up of devoted staff, passionate and like-minded partners and an ever growing ‘yellow army’ of volunteers who live and breathe our message every day.

The challenge is to create a sustainable food culture that can be shared by all which needs all of us to play our part. We believe food is just too precious to waste and every time we throw something away, it’s literally costing us the earth.


VietHarvest Social Enterprise Model

  • Phase 1 : 2022

    VietHarvest rescues good quality surplus food for free from food retail, hospitality and hotel sectors.

  • Phase 2 : 2022

    Free food goes direct to charities/ orphanages/ children’s hospital supporting underserved communities.

  • Phase 3 : 2023+

    Surplus food transformed into nutritional meals that can be purchased at low cost.

Global Harvest Family Affiliates & Our Partners